Sunday, February 2, 2014


I have no idea in what direction I'm taking this blog right now...
Plus school and work make it really hard to post regularly with content.

So I've decided until I have more time/I figure out what I'm doing, I'm going to expand and use blogspot to the fullest. I'm going to create multiple blogs for different things. I'll eventually make a roster of them, but for now, I'm going to do kind of a exploration of myself.

This will consist of surveys, questionaires, journal like entries, "challenges", etc. I'll be on there for a while... So, see you soon, lovelies.

I'm sure I'll be back on here to post about kpop...unless I make a blog for that...

Oh the chance to make a blog for EV-ER-Y-THING.


Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Instead of Manga/Anima/Manwha/Drama/Video Game day....

I'm going to just do questions.

Cause I can...

  • 1. What is your best friends names? Raffi and Christian.
  • 2. What color underwear/boxers wearing now? Uhhh...Black?
  • 3. What are you listening to right now? 2nd Confession by BTOB
  • 4. Whats your favorite number? 19
  • 5. What was the last thing you ate? Uhhh... I think a shake.
  • 6. If you were a crayon what color would you be? Lilac
  • 7. How is the weather right now? Too warm for winter.
  • 8. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? Uhhh my mother
  • 9. The first thing you notice about the opposite sex? Eyes and height.
  • 10. Do you have a significant other? No
  • 11. Favorite TV show? Uhm, Sherlock or Hannibal.
  • 12. Siblings? Nope
  • 13. Height? 5'1/2"
  • 14. Hair color? Black
  • 15. Eye Color? Dark Brown
  • 16. Do you wear contacts? No
  • 17. Favorite Holiday? Halloween
  • 18. Month? October
  • 19. Have you ever cried for no reason? Yep
  • 20. What was the last movie you watched? I think the beginning of 21 & Over (...Thanks Louie...)
  • 21. Favorite Day of the Year? December 31
  • 22. Are you too shy to ask someone out? Somewhat
  • 23. Can you do a headstand (not using the wall)? Pfft, if I wanna die, sure.
  • 24. Hugs or Kisses? Hugs
  • 25. Chocolate or Vanilla? Chocolate
  • 26. Do you want your friends to respond to this? ...if they want to I guess
  • 27. Who is most likely to respond to a text from you? Well everyone I text will most likely reply...
  • 28. Who is least likely to respond to a text from you? ...Probably Christian if he's busy.
  • 29. What books are you reading? Yakuza by Kaplan & Dublo for class
  • 30. Piercings? 9
  • 31. Favorite movies? Underworld (series), Silver Linings Playbook, 10 Things I hate About You, Corpse Bride, Howl's Moving Castle.
  • 32. Favorite football Team? N/A
  • 33. What are you doing right now? This survey then gonna work out.
  • 34. Butter, Plain or Salted popcorn? Kettle corn
  • 37. Dogs or cats? Both
  • 38. Favorite flower? Hydrangea or Orchids
  • 39. Been caught doing something you weren't supposed to do? Uh not recently.
  • 40. Do you have a best friend of the opposite sex? Yes, two of them.
  • 41. Have you ever loved someone? Yes.
  • 42. Who would you like to see right now? Someone.
  • 43. Are you still friends with people from kindergarten? YES. CHRISTIAN. 17 years, man.
  • 44. Have you ever fired a gun? Nope
  • 45. Do you like to travel by plane? Yes
  • 46. Right-handed or Left-handed? Right-Handed
  • 47. How many pillows do you sleep with? three...
  • 48. Are you missing someone? Yes
  • 49. Do you have a tattoo? Three
  • 50. What would you like more of? Confidence. 

Sleep Talking (Kpop)

So, Nu'est is one of those groups that I like because the members are really down-to-earth and fun... Now, I only like three of their songs as of yet.

This song, got stuck in my head for-ev-er.
I would hum it all the time.
I would sing it all the time.
I would play it all the time.

It's just really catchy and fun...


English Lyrics:

What time is it right now? Is this a dream or real life?
A sketch in my head, I drew her out all night
I keep going backwards, going backwards from reality
When I approach her, I keep going to a different world
I wonder about this vague riddle
What’s wrong with me? I want to tell her, like a man
The secret that only I know in my dreams
I invite her in and tell her my hidden feelings, say
This doesn’t make sense
She’s smiling right in front of me right now
She appears when I go to sleep, she disappears when I awake
I want to hold onto her, say
I want to confess, confess, confess, confess but I sleep talk
Even when I wake up, I’m saying her name
Talk talk talk talk sleep talk
I’m going to go meet her, I’m sleepy again
Where are you? Do you know my heart?
You don’t even know how I’m burning up inside
I can’t escape from this spell of not being able to talk to you
It’s the complete opposite in my dreams
Now, I just become ice
I wonder about this vague riddle
What’s wrong with me? I want to tell her, like a man
The secret that only I know in my dreams
I invite her in and tell her my hidden feelings, say
This doesn’t make sense
She’s smiling right in front of me right now
She appears when I go to sleep, she disappears when I awake
I want to hold onto her, say
I want to confess, confess, confess, confess but I sleep talk
Even when I wake up, I’m saying her name
Talk talk talk talk sleep talk
I’m going to go meet her, I’m sleepy again
Ay yo! NU’EST is back on a duble-kick track
Make some noise
This doesn’t make sense
She’s smiling right in front of me right now
She appears when I go to sleep, she disappears when I awake
I want to hold onto her, say
I want to confess, confess, confess, confess but I sleep talk
Even when I wake up, I’m saying her name
Talk talk talk talk sleep talk
I’m going to go meet her, I’m sleepy again

Korean Lyrics:

[제이알] 지금은 또 몇신지 꿈인지 생신지
내 머릿속의 스케치 그녀를 밤새 그렸었겠지

[아론] 난 자꾸 거꾸로 현실과는 거꾸로
그녀에게 다가가면 자꾸만 별나라로

[백호] 궁금해 알쏭달쏭 수수께끼
[렌] 대체 난 왜 그래요 남자답게 말할래요
[백호] 혼자만 아는 꿈 속 비밀 얘기
[아론] 그녀를 초대해요 숨겨 온 내 맘을 say!

[민현] 이건 말도 안돼 바로 내 두 눈 앞에 그녀가 웃고 있잖아
[백호] 자면 나타났다 깨면 사라지는 그녀를
[민현] 붙잡고 싶은데 say!

[모두] 고백 고백 고백 고백 내 잠꼬대
[제이알] 깨어나도 그 이름 불러요
[모두] 꼬대 꼬대 꼬대 꼬대 잠꼬대
[제이알] 그녀를 만나러 가 난 또 졸려요

[제이알] 넌 어딘지 [아론] 내 맘은 아는지
[제이알] 이렇게 속이 타는 내 심정도 모르지

[아론] 말도 못 거는 마력에 헤어나지도 못해
[제이알] 꿈 속이랑은 정반대 여기선 얼음이 돼

[백호] 궁금해 알쏭달쏭 수수께끼
[렌] 대체 난 왜 그래요 남자답게 말할래요
[백호] 혼자만 아는 꿈 속 비밀 얘기
[아론] 그녀를 초대해요 숨겨 온 내 맘을 say!

[민현] 이건 말도 안돼 바로 내 두 눈 앞에 그녀가 웃고 있잖아
[백호] 자면 나타났다 깨면 사라지는 그녀를
[민현] 붙잡고 싶은데 say!

[모두] 고백 고백 고백 고백 내 잠꼬대
[제이알] 깨어나도 그 이름 불러요
[모두] 꼬대 꼬대 꼬대 꼬대 잠꼬대
[제이알] 그녀를 만나러 가 난 또 졸려요

[아론] Ay yo! NU'EST is back on a duble-kick track
Make some noise

[민현] 이건 말도 안돼 바로 내 두 눈 앞에 그녀가 웃고 있잖아
[백호] 자면 나타났다 깨면 사라지는 그녀를
[민현] 붙잡고 싶은데 say!

[모두] 고백 고백 고백 고백 내 잠꼬대
[제이알] 깨어나도 그 이름 불러요
[모두] 꼬대 꼬대 꼬대 꼬대 잠꼬대
[제이알] 그녀를 만나러 가 난 또 졸려요

English: Pop!Gasa
Korean: Daum & Kpoplyrics

fairest; (Ravenna) - The Things That Should Burn.

A/N: Many of you don't know this, but I participate(d) in a thing called online roleplay. This consisted of making accounts on social sites/sites designed for roleplay and portraying a character that was either developed from novels, film, bands, or celebrities or of our own imagination. These characters interact with other characters and exchange story bits to create a larger story. I've been writing as such for almost 9 years. (Holy crap, I feel old...) Since I no longer have time to write with an account, I decided I would write as the characters I love and develop on here as part of my "personal" section. 

So some background, today I will be writing as Ravenna from Snow White and the Huntsman. I started this character as soon as the film came out because I loveeee Charlize Theron as Ravenna. I turned out to be pretty good at it, even though she and I are nothing alike.. So, I'm not sure what I'll write, but something. Mind you this won't be fine tuned and edited, just a story, a glimpse into Ravenna. I might write a page or so about her and then write from there. Maybe I'll make separate blogs for each character, who knows! 

In no way, shape, or form do I claim to be Charlize Theron, Ravenna, nor do I share the same opinions as her. (I say this as a disclaimer.) I also edited these pictures, hence the "fairest;" marker. 

Anyway, off we go~ 

Btw, I made the gif below. Pretty cool, huh?

Years. For years, centuries, the world had developed into this...sickly sphere. It is disgusting. Women have no modesty, men have no honor, then again, seldom did I ever see a man with honor. The world is vastly different since I made my exit. I should have killed that wretched girl when I had the chance, I should have killed them all when I had the chance. Time has taught me that any compassions left in the organ I call a heart are worthless, pathetic, and yet I kept her. Like a master, fond of a pet, I kept her, watched her, taught her cruelty. I expected her to respond with a vengeance, much like myself. I was a fool to think that she would see my vision.

Even so, she is dead, that "fairest" Snow White and I remain. As she countered my magic and broke my spells, I found a new found anger deep within me. A rage that had not seen light since I took my first life awoken and I held onto that, I followed that rage into a slumber and now that I have awoken, I will take this world and give it the Queen it deserves.


Long blonde strands, piercing blue eyes, slender legs crossed at the knee. Out of everything, the confidence of the woman who sat in the executive chair was what stood out the most. How did she get there? It's not that difficult when you control a magic so dark and old the rest of the world has forgotten about it. To her left, a knight made of black diamonds, ready to do her bidding. To her right, a raven sat on the edge of the desk, pecking at papers that laid strewn across the desk. The only light in the room was produced by the glow of the computer monitor. 

Sqqqquuuaakkk. The raven suddenly croaked. A smile spread across Ravenna's lips, the sound of footsteps in the hall quickly coming down the hall. She leaned back, her arms rested casually on the arm supports of the chair, her nails picking at the ends. 


The footsteps grew louder. 


Her eyes closed for a brief moment, preparing to speak to the first human in nearly three centuries.


The smile grew as Walter Herald opened the door. The raven squaked at his entrance and he jumped back, papers falling to the ground as well as his phone. He was a stout man, balding, probably will die within the next few years from anxiety and stress. Ravenna's eyes evaluated the man, sneering. This man would be her financial consultant. Though she was not from modern times, it took her less than a year to learn what she needed about the world she lived in. Step one, conquer the finances. Step two, cause chaos in their social structures. Step three, coddle them like a poor child, needing of a mother. If all fails, enslave them all. 

"Who are you?" Walter was nervous, his hands shaking as he turned on the light. "Wh-what are you doing here?" His voice shook. How endearing, he was frightened, as he should be, Ravenna thought.

"Hello, Walter." She shifted her crossed legs. "I have a business proposition for you." 


"Calm, Walter. We do not want that heart of yours to exhaust itself before I have had my fill of your services." Ravenna chuckled, the sound was soft but clearly still threatening.

Walter swallowed and looked at her. "I can't help you. I jus-"

"Oh, but you can." Her glance hardened, standing abruptly, she walked towards him until she stood before him. Her attired was a simple black dress with black pumps. Looking straight into his eyes, "I have... items that need to be sold, marketed, created into a..."
", Mi'lady." The knight spoke.

" display." She continued as if the knight had not spoke. "As a curator and a man who deals with auctions, you could do that, could you not?" She didn't let him answer. "I believe in you, Walter." Fingers grabbed his tie, pulling him closer to her. The nail of her index finger traced along his jawline. "I have put an item, a rare tea set, given to me from the French royalty, in a safe, in your office. You have two weeks to display it, get interest in it, gather the people willing to pay 2.5 million dollars for it in a room. If you fail me, Walter..." Her nail dug into the side of his face, pulling down to open a large wound that instantly began to ooze with blood. 

She licked her nail, pursing her lips just slightly, as if she was considering her options as he screamed. He fell to the floor, holding his face in his hand as blood dripped onto the floor between his fingers. "I do not know what I will do with you, Walter." Her tone was playful, almost child-like. She grinned as Walter looked up at her, his fear palpable in the office. "This arrangement, you must not speak of to anyone." She held the index finger she cut his face with up to her lips, a hushing gesture. "My Knight will bring you the code in a night as well as the history of  the set." She turned away from him, gathering the raven on arm. 

"This here, is Valentine. He will be watching you and reporting to me. Should you misbehave, I will come back to punish you." And with that, she was gone from the office, as was her knight. The only evidence she left was the bleeding gash in Walter's face and Valentine who continued to peck at his desk.


In an instant, Ravenna was back in her Iron Castle. It was almost back to its former glory, just missing the touch of fear in the walls. She chuckled at the thought, throwing off her shoes and her modern dress, opting for a sheer chemise from her time, black of course. She sat at her throne, her eyes forward, body lax but prepared. She felt it, the presence in which she had missed. Finally, a toy.

"Miss me, dearest Sebastian?"

A deep voice replied. "Like I miss hell." Glowing eyes could be seen glaring in the darkness. 

"Oh, I am wounded." Ravenna feigned being hurt, her hand reaching out as a black tendril lashed out, grabbing a hold of the creature's wrist, pulling him into the center of the room where the moonlight could illuminate him. 

A/N: Heh, heh. Guess we'll find out who Sebastian is next time. ;) I really missed writing. I feel good while writing. That doesn't mean I think I'm an amazing writer, but I like it. If you have a blogspot account, tell me what you thought. If you're a roleplayer and wanna create a story with Ravenna, lemme know! 

10 things about cosmetic counters (at least from my experience)

So I was talking to a co-worker from the store and she's from a different department. She asked some of the girls some questions about assumptions that I thought were kind of odd but still informative in how people perceive us.

So instead of posting about pretty clothes or reviews on products, I thought, hey, why not let people know what really goes on.

1. Not all of us wear every product. Some girls don't fill their eyebrows, some don't wear blush, some don't wear mascara, some, like me, don't wear foundation or foundation powders.

2. No matter what counter we work at, all of our products do not come from that one counter/line. Most of the girls have favorite products from other lines and will buy from MAC or Sephora or other counters.

3. We don't usually put our makeup on at work. There seriously is just no time for it... I've tried... Some people can manage it, but it's really awkward when a customer comes up and you only have one eye done.

4. Just because we work for a product line, doesn't mean we know every little ingredient or aspect about every product. Have you seen how many products each counter has? Everyone is taught about the products, but sometimes, we forget about the ingredients or we forget small details about the product. I'm an on-call/floater, so that means I have to know ALL the products from every counter. I mean, yeah, I can name what most of them do, but ask me the ingredients and I will say "can you give me just one second, let me get the product manual."

5. Sometimes we don't see you/we are super busy/there's only one of us. As a customer, it was always frustrating to have to wait more than 10 minutes to get my services done and buy my product. After working at the counters for six months (holy crap has it really been that long?!) I've come to be much more understanding in terms of waiting. I know it's not fun and I know sometimes we are in a hurry and need to just get our stuff and go, but things happen. People get sick and call out which leaves one of us at the counter to service however many people come in. Sometimes there's just a lot of people at that time of day, please be understanding.

6. We won't push products you don't need. A good amount of customers that I have met and seen have this idea that I will try and sell them a product they don't need. They ask me things like "can I do the other things without that?" or "will it still work if I don't do this?" The truth, yes, it will work, but not as effectively. (This answer varies on the concerns/products). We don't want you to return our product, so we won't sell you something we don't think you need.

7. It takes me (and on-calls) time to find products in cases/drawers. The on-calls/floaters like me, we go from counter to counter. Within a week, we could work at every counter at least once. This means that we forget occasionally where a certain product is. We can go weeks without working at a counter and then suddenly be back. Cases change a lot, so do drawers, so we sometimes need a minute to remember where something is.

8. If you don't know how to use a product, don't know how to do a look, don't know if you're using a product correctly, we will be more than happy to help you. I say this because I usually ask customers what their daily routine is like and some of them are using a product in the wrong order or not in the best way to get the best results. It might be embarrassing to ask, but we are more than happy to explain how things work and in what order they go in or which is the most effective way to use a product. Also, I'm more than happy to teach you how to do a smokey eye. ;)

9. Makeovers take a time and we also have to work the counter. If you're thinking about getting a makeover done for what ever the occasion is, please, PLEASE, make an appointment or plan at least two hours ahead. If you make an appointment, we can give you an estimated time, but like previously stated, some times we're the only ones at the counter and we need to step away to make sure other customers are assisted. We will try our best to make sure we get your needs met and that we get you out of the chair in a timely matter, but we do need to step away once in awhile, especially if you're a walk-up.

10. We try to make every experience the best it can be. Some days our not our best, this goes without saying for everyone, but we all really try to make every experience the best it can be. We greet customers with a smile and end it with a smile and hope we can get our customers to smile and enjoy their experience. Whether it be a short pick-up or an hour consultation.

So yeah. :D

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Inu x Boku SS

Yeah, I'm never doing a survey that's more than 100 questions...
That was miserable.
I bet that was a punishment to you guys too, huh?
I'm sorry. u-u

Anyway, so, anime/manga time~

Anime/Manga: Inu X Boku SS (Youko X Boku)

Okay, so, this is a story of demons living in a dormitory so that their true identity is kept a secret. So the main  character, Ririchiyo, comes to this dormitory because she no longer wants to be used as an item of power. She also doesn't want her family to fight over her. She puts up a false front, one that is tough and a rude so that others don't use her vulnerability against her, but it's also her weakness. She never knows how to respond exactly the way she wants and ends up causing some frustrations to herself along the way.

While she was at this house, each demon is assigned another demon as their secret service member. This is to protect their identity and them from being kidnapped and used. Miketsukami is a fox demon that devotes himself to Ririchiyo for some reason. He is attached to her and has known her since she was younger, this is what drove him to become her secret service member. He's as "loyal as a dog". 

The two of them have an odd dynamic, one that coerces the honest Ririchiyo out of her shell and reaches into the depths of the cold Miketsukami to bring out warmth.

So this is story is really touching and that aside, it's adorable and hilarious.

Gif time!
Gif time!!!!!!

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Kiss, Kiss, Baby. Hush, Hush, Baby. (Kpop)

So, Miss A's debut album was the first Kpop CD I purchased myself.

I really don't follow much of their music, though I do like a lot of their songs. Miss A is one of the few girl groups that I really enjoy to listen to. 

The problem..
Is Suzy's face is fricken everywhere. I really just am tired of seeing or hearing about her.
She's pretty, nice, and young. I get it. But c'mon. She was like in a drama (that my mother watches), in advertisements for food, cosmetics, cars, everything... AND THEN HER MUSIC?!

It's just too much.

Anyway, I saw a clip of this song when I was watching the Mnet countdown recap on youtube and was like "...hmmm.." and watched the music video, fell in love with the song, and that's how we got here today~

Group: Miss A
Song: Hush

English Lyrics:
I hear the breathing, yeah
My body is melting down, yeah
I can’t take it, yeah
I can’t hold it in, yeah

I’m running out of breath, yeah
I can’t think straight, yeah
I can’t control it,
I’m losing control
What’s wrong with me?
Hurry hurry boy
I want you

Kiss Kiss Kiss baby
Hush Hush Hush baby
A little closer,
hold me tight
Give it to me,
give it to me oh
Come to me,
Come to me oh
Give it to me,
Give it to me oh
A secret party

Kiss Kiss Kiss baby
Hush Hush Hush baby
Hot hot make it
hot and melt me
Give it to me,
give it to me oh
Come to me,
Come to me oh
Give it to me,
Give it to me oh

Ah ha
Stop stealing
glances at me,
I already caught you
Stop smiling and turn around
You’re tastier than a lollipop
I want to bite you,
I want you

I hear the breathing, yeah
My body is melting down, yeah
I can’t take it, yeah
I can’t hold it in, yeah

Korean Lyrics: 

숨 소리가 들려 yeah
몸이 녹아 내려 yeah
견딜 수가 없어 yeah
참을 수가 없어 yeah

숨이 달아 올라 yeah
자꾸 똑바로 난 yeah
걷 잡을 수 없어
I'm loosing control
내가 왜이러니
Hurry Hurry Boy
너를 원해

Kiss Kiss Kiss baby
Hush Hush Hush baby
좀 더 가까이
날 꼭 안아줘
Give it 2 me
Give it 2 me oh
Come to me
Come to me oh
Give it 2 me
Give it 2 me oh
비밀스런 Party

Kiss Kiss Kiss baby
Hush Hush Hush baby
Hot Hot 뜨겁게
날 꼭 녹여줘
Give it 2 me
Give it 2 me oh
Come to me
Come to me oh
Give it 2 me
Give it 2 me oh

Ah ha

힐끔 힐끔 눈치보지마 이미 들켰어
웃지 말고 뒤 돌아서
롤리 롤리 롤리팝보다 니가 맛있어
꽉 깨물어 주고 싶어 너를 원해

숨 소리가 들려 yeah
몸이 녹아 내려 yeah
견딜 수가 없어 yeah
참을 수가 없어 yeah

English Lyrics: Pop!Gasa
Korean: music daum