Saturday, November 30, 2013

Underneath it All... The Makeup That is. (Part II)

Hiiiii, missed me? :3 Teehee.

Okay so now that we got the daytime out of the way, it's time for my nighttime routine!

This one will be almost disappointingly shorter than the other...

Shiseido The Skincare, Instant Eye and Lip Makeup Remover
Cost: $26.50
Place of Purchase: Macy's
After a long day at work or school, I really don't feel like taking off my makeup. But guess what? I don't want break outs and I know it's bad for me. So no matter how tired you are, PLEASE remember to take off your makeup. >: For me?

Anywhoozle, I hated makeup removers. I hated them all because for some reason, it made me feel more dirty than clean. I still don't quite like the feeling of makeup removers, but this one I can tolerate greatly. Not only does it not burn my eyeballs, but it smells pleasant and goes a long way. One cotton pad can remove my waterproof mascara, on BOTH eyes, my cheek stain, and my lipstick. Though I should use two cotton pads, I'm a college student. Let's be honest, if I can get away with one cotton pad, I'm going to do it.

Like I said, it does have the sort of oily feeling on the skin still, and you do have to remember to shake it (I forget all the time, fail Hana...) but it's great and really gentle but still powerful!

Shiseido Ibuki, Gentle Cleanser
Cost: I don't quite know since I got it in a starter kit that came with the balancing softener and moisturizer for $25, the full size is $30
Place of Purchase: Macy's
Ibuki is a great skin care line. It's a cheaper than White Lucent (by about 40 bucks for all three products. White Lucent is about 137 for all three, Ibuki is about 99 for all three) and it's made for people in my age group. It's made to help make "trouble free skin" which means it has light preventatives and it helps keep skin in its youthful and "best" state.

I bought the starter kit to try it out since I was hooked on White Lucent. It was a brand new line (still kinda is) and it really does make my skin feel really nice. I would say if you really aren't interested in White Lucent but want to give Shiseido a try, Ibuki will be the best place to start. If you're dry combination/dry this line will be fantastic for you. If you're oiler, they do have a line just for you called Pureness and I think that's even cheaper for than this line.

Ossion Secret Pearl, Toner, Emulsion, Eye Cream, and Hydra Cream
Cost: Not sure about the full sizes but these were free samples. (I'll post what I bought to get them soon!)
Place of Purchase: Palace Beauty (Koreatown Galleria, Los Angeles, CA)
I'm currently trying this out for 2 reasons.
1. I do not have a night moisturizer. (...yet...)
2. They were F-R-E-E.
C'mon. They were free. I'm a cosmetic fanatic. There's no way I wasn't going to at least TRY them.

Pros (so far):
-The toner is a gel-toner and feels really nice on the skin. Like, silken on the skin.
-The Hydra Cream is also almost gel like and leaves the skin feeling super refreshed.

-There's a bunch of steps. I mean yeah I can skip the eye cream, but as a strong believer in preventative measures for wrinkles, I'm not going to.

So far, these size samples have lasted me half a week. Again, I'm frugal, but it's really amazing how far they stretch. I don't know if I would buy the full sized just yet, but hey, I still have another set sitting in my cabinet.

That's all I have for you today! Come check back tomorrow night and I should have another post for you! ^_^
If you have any questions, want me to review a product (within a $20 price range) in the future, or want recommendations especially for you, just send me an email or post a comment!
Make sure you put love, war, cosmetics, and fashion in your subject!

Until tomorrow, Lovelies.

Underneath it All... The Makeup That is. (Part I)

Okay! So my first blog-theme related post.

There are two things that I am confident in when it comes to my physical appearance. My eyes and my skin. I don't wear foundation because I don't like the feeling on my skin. No matter the texture, no matter how thin it is or how sheer the coverage, I cannot stand it on my face. I always feel clammy and like I have a mask on. (I know, weird for a makeup artist, but hey.) Luckily, I was blessed with great skin. I started taking care of my skin back when I was in my early teens and thankfully, genetics was on my side this time.

Now, I'm really sensitive. My skin reacts to most products. I spent years trying products and now that I'm coming an end to my adolescence and my "growing" stages, I think it's calming down a bit. But! That does not mean I take anything to chance!

The first post is going to be about my daily routine! (For now that is.)

Let's start with the morning...

Ladies and gentlemen, meet Shiseido. This is their White Lucent basic products and the Urban Environment Oil-Free UV Protection. White Lucent is a skin care line that caters to those who wish to even out their complexion/brighten their complexion. This also helps with correcting uneven skin tones caused by dark spots or aging to some degree. It's also known to help with minor cases of rosacea. For me, this is to help brighten my complexion and keep that youthful well as keep my skin tone even. It doesn't use any sort of bleaching agent to brighten or "whiten" the skin, but uses natural ingredients! (Well, I mean the ones that are "chemicals" are technically natural...)

White Lucent Brightening Cleansing Foam.
Cost: $35
Place of Purchase: Macy's
Man does it really go far. Just a little more than a pea-size amount is more than enough to cleanse the whole face. It's gentle and lathers up really well. You can use this to make mini-masks as well that help brighten skin almost instantly. It's gentle enough that you can tissue it off if you were doing a facial as well!

White Lucent Brightening Balancing Softener Enriched 
Cost: $48.
Place of Purchase: Macy's
A balancing softener is just like a toner/clarifying lotion in the sense that it helps add nutrients to the skin, remove dead skin cells that build up, and open the skin to receive moisture. White Lucent comes in two different balancing softeners; enriched and regular. The difference is that dryer skins would want the enriched formula and oiler skins would use the regular. I don't have dry skin, but I do tend to forget to drink my 8 cups of water sometimes. (^_^") The biggest difference between Shiseido's balancing softeners versus toners/clarifying lotions, is that they act like essence or kind of like a serum in the sense that they have additional benefits for the skin. I use this with a cotton pad and over my face once.

White Lucent Brightening Protective Emulsion, SPF 18 
Cost: $54.50
Place of Purchase: Macy's
This line has four difference moisturizers. The Emulsion, the Protective Emulsion, the Cream, and the Gel-Cream. The Emulsion and Protective Emulsions are thinner in consistency. The Protective has SPF (either 15 or 18). the difference between the Cream and the Gel-Cream is that the Cream is for really dry skin. The Gel-Cream moisturizes with gel which is lighter and has less oil in it so it is for dryer skin. I've tried all of them and they all have really nice skin feels, I just prefer the thinner consistency and SPF.

Urban Environment Oil-Free UV Protection. Broad Spectrum, SPF 42 (for the face)
Cost: $30
Place of Purchase: Macy's
This one is really nice because it's really thin, so it's great under makeup! I really don't like getting freckles and I've seen enough dark spot issues come into my work that I know how important sunscreen is. This one has a great feeling on the skin. It doesn't leave any sort of film behind and it doesn't feel thick like most sunscreens do. It also protects the skin from pollutants.
The issue I have with it is that it's only waterproof for up to 40 minutes, plus application after makeup application is hard. But I have a product coming in soon that will wash away those worries~ ohohoho~

These products are pricey, I know, but if you're really looking to invest in your skin and brightening your skin, this will be a great product line for you. I love it.

A/N: Part two will be about my nightly routine and be up shortly. ^_^

First Post, First Impressions, Introduction.

Let me tell you a bit about myself and what this blog is about. (Even though I technically did in the blog's about me, but hey, we can always learn more, right?)

As stated, I'm Hana Lee. I was born in 1993 in Anaheim, California. I'm Korean by blood, both of my parents are originally from Korea. They have been living here on and off since about the late 70's, early to mid 80's. I have been to Korea a lot, especially when I was a kid. I lived in Masan for about a year and went to school there as well when I was about 5-6 years old. The last time I visited was when I was about 12 so it's been a good while.

Anyway, the reason why this is important is because I am very proud to be Korean and I love my culture. Yes, I love Kpop, Kdramas, and manhwa. 

I've been interested in fashion and in beauty since I was very young and it was only recently that I decided to take charge of my life and implement this in my life and my future career. I am a certified makeup artist. I work with Clinique, Lancome, Estee Lauder, Shiseido, and Fashion Fair on a daily basis and I thought it would be great if I could use my knowledge to help those around me, not just the customers that come through and ask questions at my work.

I'm a student studying fashion, culture, studio art, sociology, and art analysis. I'm creating a major that is about how beauty and fashion is an identity and using all these categories to become an amazing fashion stylist. 
(That's Renge from Ouran High School Host Club, HILARIOUS Anime, manga, and drama.)

Anyway, for now I have planned segments that review cosmetic products, talk about fashion projects, and a couple series that have to do with my personal interests like kpop, books, animes, manga/manhwa, video games, etc.

So stay with me, kay? 

(Jonghyun from SHINee.)