Sunday, January 19, 2014

Let's talk.

I'm not sure if you have noticed this, but I can only produce one story when I feel like it.
I've only written two on here...
But I do owe you guys a personal post.

So I wanted to give you guys an update on me and my life and what's going on in my funny head.

I started school again. The classes I'm taking this semester are:
-Costume Design Techniques
-Doaist, Dragons, Dim Sum (my professor calls it "Triple D"... it's basically a Classic Chinese literature/culture class)
-Japanese Society and Culture
-Digital Media.

You know what I'm doing in Costume Design Techniques, in "Triple D" we are learning classical Chinese which is both slightly confusing and fun. We're talking about hikikomori in my JSC class. They are basically people who hide away from society and lock themselves in because they cannot abide by and deal with the pressures of the "normative" in Japanese society. It's incredibly fascinating. And in digital media we are talking about how digital media has become our "norm" here.

If you guys don't know it, I'm at a school where I create my own major. I'm getting my Bachelor's degree and what I'm studying is a mixture of Asian culture, studio art, art analysis, and fashion. I am really interested currently with how identities are created with art and fashion but also about sub-cultures and Asian culture, specifically from Japan, Korea, and a bit of China.

I'm considering getting a doctorate. Not just for the sake of getting a doctorate, but I mean because I think I would really like to explore society, identity, and Asian Culture further. I still have a year and a half left of my bachelor's program (not including this semester) but I really think I might enjoy it. I was thinking a Master's in Anthropology/Sociology with an emphasis in Asian Culture and then a Doctorate in Asian Culture with an emphasis in Korea and Japan.

Who knows what I would do with this though. I've considered becoming a professor. It's brought to my attention that I could write books and articles that are used in classes in college (I knew that was a job, but not one I thought of doing...). I could be an adviser for films or a consultant for international corporations. I could work as a stylist in Hollywood, and of course, I'd love to be a fashion stylist for Kpop groups... But idk yet.
Just because I want to do something, doesn't mean I can't pursue knowledge and can't find multiple jobs to do that I'd be happy with...

And then of course, there is my obsession with traveling, fashion, and makeup.

I am a mess, when it comes to "What do I want to be when I grow up". Then again, I feel like that's a good thing that I have a lot of options and interests, especially because my interests are sort of tailored.

I'm a bit tired from all the things going on.
I have work, school, and emotional stress going on all at once.
I feel like I'm doing really well, but who knows.

OH! Thanks to the Amazing "mama" (I'm keeping her name out, in case she doesn't want me to use it here...) I now have an elliptical. You don't know how much exercise helps keep my depression and anxiety in check. Plus I need to get back on a diet... I really fell off the yellow brick road recently. u_u"""

Anyway, up next is my 1,000 question survey as a punishment...
I hope to speak to you soon after that (tomorrow) with the kpop song of the week.

Later Lovelies.

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