Sunday, January 19, 2014

Okasan! Haruhi is using bad language! (Ouran High School Host Club; Anime/Manga/JDrama)

Anime: Ouran High School Host Club

I stumbled upon this anime when I was still in high school. It's completely silly and really is something to watch if you want a laugh...
What you don't expect is the fact that this anime is actually quite deep when it comes to personal relationships and quite perceptive in introducing the audience to the values of friends, regardless of background. 


Haruhi is a scholarship at one of the richest and  most prestigious high schools in Japan. All Haruhi wants is to study and get through their schooling. This is vastly interrupted when they happen upon a club, a host club. (A host club is typically a club of good looking men that serve drinks to ladies who want to be surrounded by them. This anime makes the Host Club look sweet and innocent but it's really quite the opposite.) They end up breaking a really valuable vase, one in which they couldn't even hope to pay for. So they are now the club's errand dog. That is, until they realize after cleaning them up, they could be a host too and make  money quicker.

Haruhi is a girl.

But they keep that a secret. Haruhi learns the values of friendship and what is underneath the exterior of this silly club.

Also there's a really cute romance-ing bit! :3

Now, lemme use gifs to introduce the characters!
(I love me some gifs...)




Hikaru & Kaoru:

Mitsukani "Honey":

Takashi "Mori": 

and now just gifs!

And just so you all know, there is a manga and a JDrama...

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