Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Ahhhh, Moisture.

Once upon a time,
in a not so far away land...

Oh, lemme just say it. I don't drink enough water throughout the day. That is a fact and I am not ashamed because I am way too busy to keep track... (okay, and partially forgetful... a lot of forgetful)

My skin doesn't feel tight like dry skin normally would, it does feel like I could use some moisture but I know a moisturizer would be too heavy. I didn't really think about ways I could fix this problem other than drinking more water... Then, I saw it... One of the best products I ever bought.

Brand: Clinique

Product: Moisture Surge, Face Spray
Cost: $22
Place of Purchase: Macy's

This spray is amazing because it refreshes your skin instantly. It's pretty portable, though I did make a miniature. It's nice before makeup or after and throughout the day if you feel you need the added moisture.

-Incredibly refreshing.
-Light moisture
-Can be put on after makeup.
-Does not require any further steps than just misting over your face.
-Vitamins and nutrients that are delivered easily to your skin.

-The bottle is not purse size and does not come in a purse size. 
-Because of the spray range, sometimes you feel you sprayed too much, or too little and end up spraying more.

I recommend this product to people who:
-Have dry skin
-Have dehydrated skin
-Oily but dry patches throughout the day due to climate change/external factors.

This is one of my FAVORITE products. I adore it and think it was a great investment. The Clinique counters always have a tester of this. So if you ever walk by the counter and would like to give it a try, just ask and feel for yourself the moisture. 

I give it 4.5/5 stars. 

As always, if you have any products you'd like me to review or have inquiries, please email me at: morbidmolly151@yahoo.com

Until next time, Lovelies. 

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