Tuesday, December 10, 2013



(Yes, spoilers)

This anime is a horror, school drama, story. The anime starts off with a back story that you should remember throughout the whole series. Twin girls are born, one stolen and given a doll's eye that can see the dead and those who are about to die. Her old eye had a tumor so she needed the new one to survive. The twin that lived, her name is Misaki Mei.

A new boy, Sakibara Kouichi, joins the school, but the class he's about to join has a mysterious and dangerous secret. The 9th grade class 3 has been cursed for the last 26 years. It happened that one day, a student died. This student was the ideal student. Great grades, was popular, and was great in sports. That student died and the rest of the class couldn't cope, so they decided to pretend like he never died. They said "Misaki isn't dead, see, Misaki is right there." And that triggered the curse. What marks it is the lack of having a desk for a member of the class. One of the students is dead, but they don't know it. The class won't remember the incident that was led to the dead person being dead and the only way to figure out who is dead, is at graduation when the name will mysteriously appear/disappear. 

So what does this curse do? It causes students and their family members to die. Some by illness, most by horrific accidents. There is a way to counter the curse, that is to pretend like one of its students does not exist. This evens out the number of desks, but what happens when that doesn't work? What happens when someone breaks the rules? How do you stop the calamity before everyone ends up dead? Who will they blame when the class members didn't explain the rules properly to Kouichi?


This anime is really smart. I mean a lot of what happens in the series is horrific. You really get the sense of helplessness. These students can't escape the calamity and they can't prevent it. I am not really one for the horror genre mostly because I freak myself out, but I couldn't stop watching this series. I had to know more about the characters, about what happened in grade 9 class 3. Each episode ends in a sort of mini cliffhanger. It's not too bad but you really get the feeling that something really big will happen in the next episode or something really important. There's not a single episode that feels boring.

I really enjoyed this anime, despite causing me lack of sleep. It's smart, sometimes funny, and really draws the viewer in. It does have a lot of gore, so be weary. Blood Galore. I really think everyone should watch this. Truly.

5/5 Stars.

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