Saturday, December 7, 2013

Scrub-a-dub (>^.^)> <(^.^<) ^(^.^)^ v(^.^)v

Oh yeah, I did an emoticon dance in the title.

Yep. That was fun.

OFF TO THE REVIEW -insert whooshie sounds-

Brand: Clinique

Product: Sparkle Skin, Body Exfoliating Cream
Cost: $25
Place of Purchase: Macy's
Uses: Body Exfoliate

-A lot of product for a fair price.
-Really gets down and smooths out skin.
-Clears out skin blemishes.

-Really large tub makes it hard to use in shower.
-Has a slight menthol smell to it.

I have dead skin cell build up on my arms and I've tried all sorts of exfoliators to try and reduce the amount of build up I get on my arms, but alas, nothing helped.

Then one day, I was talking about this issue with a co-worker and she was like "Hey, have you tried our body exfoliator?" and I was like "Wait, what? You have a body exfoliator?" And then, magic happened as I took home a small sample of it.

I bought it less than a week later.

I use it every two days in the shower and I use a Korean exfoliating mitt with it to really scrub my arms down. I also use it on my feet sometimes, depending. 

But in either case, I've seen a MAJOR reduction in skin build up and bumps on my arms. I couldn't be more thrilled and I love it so much. If you have the same problem as me, trust me, this is gonna be a miracle to your bumpy problem. ^_^

Be careful when using this product that you aren't working your skin too hard and that you're also using a really good moisturizer afterwards. This will prevent the skin from drying out or getting rough.

So, what have we learned?
Sometimes, talking about your skin issues at the cosmetic counters will get you answers to your many unasked questions.


Anyway, until next time my lovelies.

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