Saturday, December 28, 2013

好きっていいなよ (Say I love You)

Anime/Manga: 好きっていいなよ (Say I love you)

I thought about whether or not to post about this one, mostly because I wanted to post about something other than an anime (such as a manga, video game, or k/jdrama) but I decided that I might as well.

This is one of my favorite mangas/animes. I just really love the story. This is partly because I can relate to its main character, Tachibana Mei, and I think it really shows the lives of high schoolers in general. It is a romance/comedy but it's super good and I recommend everyone watch it. >___> EVE-RY-ONE. 


Tachibana Mei is a girl without friends and she prefers it that way. Because of an experience in elementary school, she believes that people will just betray your trust and shouldn't be given a chance. This changes once her world collides with the most popular guy in her school, Kurosawa Yamato. She kicks him, mistaking him for someone who was messing with her skirt and he's hooked on her instantly. This and that happens and they end up in love. Mei discovers the values of friendship through Yamato and his friends and also what it means to be a person who doesn't shy away from others. She learns how to love and how to express herself when before she never had to. Yamato learns to face his demons and how to be who he really is, despite the consequences. 

Since explaining the characters won't really convince you to watch the anime, I'll just introduce you to them. ^_^

Tachibana Mei:

Kurosawa Yamato:

Oikawa Asami:

Nakanishi Kenji:

Mutou Aiko:

Takemura Kai:

And these adorable guys...

Kuro & Marshmallow:

If you're looking for something that will hit you right in the feels, this is definitely a good one... Trust me...
So... in a bit lovelies, I will have another post for you...hopefully.
>_< I'm sorry I fail, lovelies.

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