Saturday, December 21, 2013

It's the start of something new... >_>

If you don't know what the title references, then you are definitely not from my Disney generation... >__>
Anyway, so today, as promised, is a cosmetic review! (Sorry the picture isn't pretty...)

Brand: Shiseido
Product: Sheer Matifying Compact
Color: I20/I40
Place of Purchase: Macy's
Cost: Free. (Sample) 

As I've said before, I don't wear foundation. I don't like the texture on my skin or the weight against my skin. I do wear translucent powder and tinted translucent, so I decided to start trying powders that were meant to be lighter coverage. This is the Shiseido, Sheer Matifying Compact. My shade would actually be about O20 or O40. When we matched my skin during the summer, I was an O40 but I've lost a lot of color since then, so O20 is better for Winter, at least for me. 

The reason why I got the I20/I40 versus the O20/O40 was because they didn't have any more samples in that shade. I wanted to feel the texture and see how I liked it before I bought it, so the shade didn't quite matter to me.

How I used it:

After I washed my face, used my "toner", applied serum, moisturizer, and sunscreen. I used a powder brush and applied all over the face in a swirling motion.

What I liked:

I liked that it was light. It didn't feel like a full face of makeup, it didn't feel like I had anything on but my regular translucent/tinted translucent. My skin looked natural and it evened out my complexion just a bit. It didn't add too much color to my face and even when I used the darker shade, it still blended easily. (I do not recommend using a darker shade... Trust me, getting just the right shade is better than it being lighter or darker. We don't want to see the foundation line.)

What I didn't like:

The reason why this doesn't have a higher rating is because of my personal preference, quite honestly. As a twenty year old girl, I should probably get used to wearing foundation/foundation powders. But I still can't get used to it. I prefer loose powders over pressed and tinted translucent are always my first choice. In theory, there really isn't anything wrong with this product. If I had the full sized, I'm sure I'd keep using it and eventually love it to death. I'm just not used to it... 

I honestly would recommend this to anyone who is just starting out with makeup/is younger. It's a great product and it is light, natural, and looks as if you aren't wearing anything at all! (At least to the untrained/un-seeking eye)

I looked it up online, and at Macy's it is $8.50 for the case and $30 for the refill. So $38.50 the first time. That's really not bad at all for makeup.

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